You will have read in the national and local press recently that the Royal Bournemouth Hospital has asked 272 patients to return for a follow up breast cancer screening examination following concerns expressed by Consultants at the hospital into the standard of care given by junior doctor.
The male doctor concerned [whose identity is being withheld] was employed at the Bournemouth hospital between January 2011 and July 2012 – though it has been confirmed that he no longer works at the hospital . It appears that the patients concerned were told following his examination that they did not need further follow up when one should have been arranged.
I have acted for a number of women who have had their breast cancer diagnosed late in my 20 years of practice as a solicitor specialising in medical negligence. I have obtained medical evidence from a number of specialists qualified to comment on the standard of care given to patients by their treating doctor and the difference it has made to a patient’s life expectancy. As a very broad and general rule a delay of up to 6 months in diagnosis of early breast cancer makes no difference to a patient’s outcome but than a delay of longer than 6 months can.
Breast cancer delayed diagnosis – the problem
My concern is that if some patients were discharged from follow up in January 2011 and their cancer was not diagnosed because they did not have a further follow up, some of them may be well outside of that 6 months period and their health and life expectancy very adversely affected.
My experience of dealing with clients who have had a late diagnosis of their cancer is that they need confident yet sympathetic handling. If a client presents with a late diagnosis of breast cancer , or indeed any other form of cancer] she may only have months left to live and will need firm and practical advice to help them and their family deal with what is facing them. I am experienced in providing this advice.
I am a member of both the AvMA [ national patient justice charity Action For Victims Of Medical Accidents] Specialist Medical Negligence Solicitor panel and the Law Society’s Clinical Negligence Panel.
Breast Cancer Screening Recall – Home and hospital visits available
I can arrange home and hospital visits locally in the Bournemouth area [or indeed anywhere in Wiltshire, Hampshire and Dorset ] for patients who are very unwell.
Whilst the hospital consultants have acted very responsibility in bringing this to the attention of those concerned and involving the General Medical Council and I aware that there are patients who may require legal advice, some of them very quickly.
Bournemouth Breast Cancer Recall Claim Solicitors? Contact me today
If you are one of the 272 women who have been recalled by the Royal Bournemouth Hospital for a reassessment of your breast cancer screening, and if you find as a result that you have been incorrectly diagnosed, and have in fact developed breast cancer, contact me soon as you can about whether you are likely to be able to make a claim for compensation for the delayed diagnosis.
• Either email me, Denise Broomfield, using the contact form below, or
• Call me on 01202 834450