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    DVT compensation claim

    Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism Deep vein thrombosis is usually referred to as DVT; it occurs when a blood clot (located in a deep vein, usually in the leg) becomes extremely painful and causes swelling. As a condition it can be debilitating to the sufferer, however its negative elements can cause it to become… View Article

    Accidents with hazardous substances and chemicals

    To paraphrase a popular safety slogan used in industry: ‘When you are working with hazardous substances – what you don’t know can really hurt you!’ and, as accident statistics periodically compiled by the Health & Safety Executive reveal they do really hurt a substantial number of people, be the substances pure chemical, chemical mixtures, poisons,… View Article

    The Dangers of Retained Surgical Items

    Going through an extensive surgical procedure, especially one which was done as an emergency, places a massive strain on the body, and it can take a long time to fully recover. Putting your life and wellbeing into the hands of others can be a stressful and anxious time and the reasons for admission to hospital… View Article

    Broken ankle compensation claims

    The ankle consists of only one bone, the talus, surrounded and connected to a perfectly evolved collection of muscles, ligaments and tendons, which include the large Achilles tendon which collectively allow the foot to articulate powerfully and reliably from the bottom of the lower leg. It helps to bear great mechanical strains and when it… View Article

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