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    Can I Claim Burn Injury Compensation

    ‘Burn’ and ‘accident’ are two words that unhappily occur together more often than anybody would wish.  Suffering a burn, even a superficial one, is a genuinely unpleasant experience and it will usually only occur by accident.  The trauma associated with suffering 3rd Degree, or what nowadays are more commonly referred to as ‘full thickness’ burns… View Article

    How to Claim Pedestrian Accident Compensation

    For at least the last five years the Department for Transport’s statistics regarding road accidents to pedestrians in the United Kingdom have remained stubbornly at around the level of 30,000 accidents annually. This is of course 30,000 more accidents a year than anybody would want to see on our roads. Some would argue that such… View Article

    Can I claim compensation for the effects of noise induced hearing loss at work?

    Employers have to provide a safe workplace and look after their employees’ health, safety and welfare whilst they are at work. That includes not subjecting employees to noise levels sufficiently high or prolonged to damage their hearing. There is even a specific regulation covering noise at work; The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005…. View Article

    The consequences of scaffolding injuries

    Today, in the United Kingdom, five workers in the construction sector will fall from height, mostly from scaffolding, some from ladders and others from a variety of high places. They will all usually be injured. Some horribly, in life changing ways; some less severely and some will never go home to their families again. That… View Article

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