Given the enormous physical and psychological stress as well as the financial losses that can be experienced as a result of an accident which was not your fault, it is crucial that you receive the best possible legal advice. Your accident compensation or medical negligence solicitor will need both legal expertise and the ability to grasp complex medical concepts.
Some people find that they are not satisfied with the way in which their solicitor conducts their accident compensation claim. If you find yourself in this position, you need to be aware that you have the right to switch to a more experienced accident compensation solicitor should you wish. Doing so does not incur any financial penalties so you should never pay your current solicitor a fee in order to switch.
You may have been forced to look for a new solicitor because your claim was being handled by one of the many claims management firms which has not been able to survive the downturn. Blakemores in the Midlands and Calibre Solicitors in Manchester are two high profile examples of this.
The compensation claims solicitors at our firm have the expertise you need and will be able to recover every penny of compensation you are entitled to. When you approach us about switching solicitors, we will draw up a form of authority. Once you have signed this, we will be able to order the transfer of the case file from the solicitor you currently use, thus placing us in control of the claim.
You needn’t worry about any outstanding fees to your current solicitor because any money you owe them will be accounted when the costs of the claim are added up and paid for by your opponent’s insurer. Given that switching is so straightforward, why wait any longer when your claim may suffer as a result.
Unhappy with your solicitor? Call 0800 1404544 to find out about switching to our accident compensation solicitors today
If you are dissatisfied with your solicitor, make sure that you take action. If you do nothing, you are likely to miss out on the full amount of compensation you deserve. Our solicitors are accident compensation and medical negligence claims experts and have the experience needed to maximise the damages you receive.
Dial 0800 1404544 or
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