Everyone has heard of meningitis. It is an extremely serious illness, the results of which can be life changing. Effects of meningitis include loss of limbs through amputation, permanent brain damage, sensory loss and in the worst cases, death. Spotting that someone is suffering from meningitis at an early stage can help to prevent damage, and the sooner that medical treatment has begun, the better chance the patient has of making a complete recovery.
Meningitis is the medical term for inflammation of the tissues surrounding the spinal cord and brain, and can be either viral or bacterial. Viral meningitis is usually the less severe of the two types and affected patients usually get better without treatment. Bacterial meningitis is far more serious and is caused by many different bacteria. The most common bacteria causing meningitis is mengicoccal bacteria, but it can also be caused by e-coli and pneumococcal bacteria. Blood poisoning, also called septicaemia, is a symptom of bacterial meningitis.
Many of the symptoms of meningitis are similar to less serious illnesses like flu, and it can be difficult to diagnose. However, doctors and other healthcare professionals should be able to tell flu from meningitis and know to send a patient straight to hospital so that antibiotic treatment can be started immediately.
Meningitis Cases in the UK
Fortunately, cases of bacterial meningitis are relatively low. In 2009/10, there were just over 2750 cases reported in the UK.
Meningitis can be misdiagnosed by a range of people working in the medical sector. GPs often miss the condition, or do not recommend that the patient goes to hospital for urgent treatment. If the patient is already in hospital, they may be sent home without their meningitis being diagnosed, or receive treatment too late.
Claiming for meningitis misdiagnosis
In all successful claims for medical negligence, and indeed any compensation claim, there are two basic requirements.
- Firstly, it must be proven that the person involved has indeed suffered an injury or illness. This can be done by getting an expert opinion from a medical professional.
- Then it must be established that the medical professional was negligent because they did not spot that the patient had meningitis. This will mean demonstrating that at the time the symptoms were of a nature that a medical practitioner should reasonably have been expected to spot them and diagnose meningitis.
Want To Claim Compensation for Misdiagnosis of Meningitis? Call us now
Please be aware that time limitation periods apply to all types of compensation claims, and it is often easier investigating your claim if you take early legal advice, while the incident is fresh in your mind.
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