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    Common causes of kitchen accidents

    Published on: 24/11/2013

    As we sit enjoying a good meal in a friendly, busy, efficient and pleasant restaurant our thoughts do not, unless we have a complaint about our food, generally stray onto what is going on ‘behind the scenes’ in the kitchen. Despite the recent proliferation of reality TV programmes set in restaurants and the hospitality sector it is difficult for the non-catering professional to appreciate what a staggeringly high potential there is for accidents to occur in a commercial kitchen.

    An employer who actually addresses all their legal duties under current UK workplace health and safety legislation and follows industry best practice guidance from professional bodies and the Health and Safety Executive will be fortunate to pass a month without an accident occurring on their premises. Experienced chefs consider kitchen accidents as inevitability, the price that has to be paid for delivering fine food to discerning diners in fine style. For an employer who is negligent or careless in carrying out their duty of care to their employees, to ensure as far as is reasonably practicable their health, safety and welfare, the kitchen might well be a lethally hazardous place to work in for those staff.

    The causes of work accidents in kitchens, due to the complexity of procedures and equipment/tools used in that environment, can be many and varied, but basically fall, in order of prevalence, into the following categories:

    • Contaminated or incorrectly cleaned floor surfaces or obstacles causing slips and trips accidents ranging from the minor to the fatal.

    • Hot surfaces and harmful substances causing burns, scalds and skin conditions such as dermatitis.

    • Lifting and manual handling causing range of musculo-skeletal injuries but predominantly upper limb disorders.

    • Sharp knives which can lead to cut injuries of varying severity due to a lack of user training, bad washing and storage practice and unsafe use such as carrying them in trouser pockets, carrying them together with other loads, attempting to catch a knife falling from a work surface or not using personal protective equipment such as deboning glove.

    All the above risks will be identified, assessed and eliminated or controlled by the competent employer. There is no shortage of legislation to compel or guidance to assist them in keeping their employees safe in the kitchen. In terms of productivity and avoidance of pain and suffering there is no excuse for having a kitchen that is as dangerous as a minefield.

    Want To Claim Kitchen Accident Compensation? Contact our specialists

    Kitchens are dangerous environments but if you sustain an injury through no fault of your own, you may be entitled to claim compensation.

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