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    Negligent anaesthetist compensation claims

    Published on: 24/05/2013

    Anaesthetists play a very important role in preparing patients for surgery or relieving extreme pain. When a patient is operated on they will usually be given either a general anaesthetic which makes them unconscious, or for minor operations, a local anaesthetic which will keep them awake but sedate them and relieve pain. Anaesthetists may also relieve pain irrespective of any operations. For example, women in labour will often have epidurals performed on them by anaesthetists.

    We are fortunate in this country to have a strong healthcare system in which there are very few negligent anaesthetists. However, unfortunately, mistakes are sometimes made which can have catastrophic consequences for patients, leading to terrible physical problems. If you are harmed by a negligent anaesthetist, you can at least protect your financial position by pursuing a medical negligence claim.

    Anaesthetist negligence generally relates to the following areas:

    • Negligent pre-procedure assessment: failing to spot medical problems which make you unsuitable for certain anaesthetic drugs would be negligent

    • Poor monitoring whilst under anaesthetic: the anaesthetist should ensure that the ET tube which secures a flow of oxygen to the brain does not become dislodged. If this happens the patient could be left brain damaged.

    • Poor care following the operation: as the patient comes round the anaesthetist must continue to provide attentive care. Patients often bite on the ET tube and airways sometimes contract which can lead to hypoxia.

    In order to relieve pain before childbirth, fracture manipulation or for spinal injuries, anaesthetists may also be required to inject the spine and other hazardous regions. When this is not done properly, patients can be left paralysed due to nerve or spinal damage caused. If this has happened to you, you may find that you are eligible to claim compensation.

    Some anaesthetists will also double up as members of cardiac arrest units, working to resuscitate patients who suffer cardiac arrests. They will therefore be specifically trained in resuscitation and should they do it incorrectly, potentially leaving the patient brain damaged, they may find themselves facing medical negligence claims.

    Don’t delay – call today for advice on negligent anaesthetist claims

    Strict time limits to apply to negligent anaesthetist compensation claims so call today for expert advice on how to make a negligence compensation claim.

    Either call us on 0800 1404544 for FREE initial advice, or send us an email using the enquiry form below.

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