Skiing is a highly enjoyable sport but it is also extremely dangerous. The chances are that you put complete confidence in your skiing instructor to protect your health and safety but sometimes people only discover that their coach is under-qualified or inexperienced when it’s too late.
The injuries you sustain skiing could of course be a simple case of misfortune, however in many cases, the accident which caused you harm could have resulted from negligence from an instructor or another skier/snowboarder. Defectively designed skiing equipment could also be to blame as could a failure to warn you of particularly hostile weather conditions which caused you to have an accident.
You may find that you are eligible to claim compensation if you think that the accident you were involved in was caused by a negligent individual or group. Your instructors, resort owners, Tour Company and other skiers all have responsibilities. If the accident takes place overseas, you may also find that you can bring your case before courts in the UK.
Dial 0800 1404544 for ski accident compensation claims advice
Strict time limits apply to personal injury compensation claims so it is crucial that you start the claims process within 3 years of the accident occurring. Our expert personal injury solicitors are here to help you, so for specialist advice on how to claim compensation:
Call 0800 1404544, or
Send our compensation claim team an email via the contact form below.